Weekend Browse 4.3

Weekend Browse 4.3 | Sage + Sparkle  

S T Y L E Loving this combination, from Wendy's Lookbook... Something I could totally recreate with pieces already in my closet.

T A S T E In the spirit of Easter, why not enjoy a few Bunny Tails, via Lemon Drop Love.  The look and sound delicious! Plus, Jen (of Lemon Drop Love) is currently a food contributor for MadeByGirl, so we have a few things in common as I contributed for the 6 months prior.

E X P L O R E After reading the recent AFAR Guide to Mexico City (in magazine and online), I can't wait for my next trip in June!

C R E A T E Love, love, love this garden DIY String Garden... perfect for my balcony! Think I'm going to give it a try.

D E T O X Have you heard of BeFiT, it's a free YouTube Channel, featuring all of your favorite fitness experts.  Perfect for those that like to work out from home or travel frequently and need a workout that they can do in their hotel room.


I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend filled with blessings, love, and spring flowers!