My Weekend in an Instant // June 29 - 30




Low key weekend around here... My love did a 50 mile bicycle ride up in Poughkeepsie Sunday (so proud of him), which gave me time to accomplish some much need chores around the apartment, relax at yoga, and enjoy quality "me time".  Now it's Monday, which always seems to come quicker than I would like, however this Monday is different, technically I can pretend it's Wednesday, since it's a 3 day work week for me, with Thursday and Friday off for the 4th of July (God bless the USA)! I can't wait.  Not sure what our plans are yet for the holiday.  We originally planned to go away for the weekend, but decided against it as we both remembered how much we hate traveling during holidays.   As long as I get to see some major fireworks, anywhere is a-okay with me.

So lets kick off this Monday and get this 3 day work week started with a quick recap of my weekend...

My Weekend in an Instant // June 29 - 30:

  1. Picked up this AMAZING book on the way home, The Flower Recipe... along with a list of books I need to purchase on Amazon.  Thank you Grand Central bookstore! This book is essentially written like a cookbook but for floral arrangements, how genius is that?!
  2. Date night followed by a stroll along the waterfront seems to have become a Friday night tradition and I don't mind one bit.
  3. This Friday we lingered a little bit longer and laid out on the lounge chairs gazing at Manhattan (It's hard to tell in this pic, but the Empire State Building was rainbow color... yay for equality!)
  4. Saturday morning... "The Frankster" looking oh so handsome.  Looks like I'm not the only one that could use a haircut (must remember to book one for him for next weekend)
  5. Loving my new sunnies... Here's a selfie showing off 1 of 3 that I purchased this weekend
  6. Here's a pic of of the other pair... can't wait to wear them this week! (Now I just need for the sun to corporate)
  7. I was sad I couldn't find a picnic basket anywhere in NYC, so my love surprised me with flowers to make me smile (Looks like I may have to splurge and get this one from A Sunny Afternoon)
  8. Saturday night dinner included zucchini flowers... details on the blog this week!
  9. Hot yoga is the perfect way to start a Sunday morning...
  10. Signed up for a 60 Day Challenge... begins tomorrow!  Traveling will make it hard, but I'm going to do my best! (plus there is prizes involved and I never turn down a challenge)
  11. After yoga treat... Blackberry with Wildflower Honey by Stevie's Ice Cream... So yummy!
  12. Played a game of "hide & seek" with the Chrysler Building from the comforts of my sofa... now you see her, now you don't!
  13. Surprise firework display on the West Side... fortunately we were able to enjoy as well! Happy Pride NYC!!!
  14. Every now and then everyone deserves a pizza night
  15. Goodnight NYC! Time to rest up for a three day work week! Woo hoo!!!

Some of the above photos were on Instagram over the weekend.  To see them in realtime… follow me @sageandsparkle.

Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend too.  Any plans for the 4th of July yet?  I would love to hear them...

P.S. Almost forgot to remind you, Google Reader is no longer operating, as of today! Google reader was such a great way to keep up to date with all of the amazing blogs out there.  However I must admit I found bloglovin and love it so much better, simply for the fact that it brings you to the actual blog, which is nice to get the over all esthetic of the blogger. Plus I needed a little blog spring cleaning so I didn't so much mind the switch.   If you like Sage & Sparkle as much as I hope you do, please take a second and click here to follow me.  Or you can use the link in the right hand side column under "About Me".  Thank you for the support, it means a lot.