Warm Honey Milk For Kids... How to Make a Dinocinno

In Italy it’s common to be served a Babycinno when ordering a Cappuccino for yourself, sometimes for free or only a few bucks. Most of the time a Babycinno is warm frothed milk often times with a sprinkle of either cinnamon or cocoa powder on top. Really the term “babycinno” just refered to a cappuccino for kids, minus the espresso. The ideas is that while the parent enjoys their warm cappuccino, their kiddo can also enjoy a warm beverage too, because what little kid doesn’t want to be just like mommy/daddy.

Our of our favorite cafés in Jersey City, Lakawanna Coffee, serves what they call Dinocinnos (because what kid is not obsessed with Dinos) and ever since the first time my boys had one, they ask for them on repeat now. So we came up with our own littler variation that we can make at home. Great for an after school snack or as a treat before bed. I’ve heard recently that warm milk makes kids go sleep and stay asleep easier… not sure if there’s anything to that, but we might have to test it out. My husband also said that his grandmother gave him a variation of this before bed growing up and now as an adult he has to have his coffee before bed (which is heavy on the milk and sugar, lol) and he sleeps like a baby, so there may be something to that after all.

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What we use to make Dinocinnos:

  • Organic Whole Milk (but dairy free milks work great too)

  • Local Honey

  • Cinnamon (or as we used here, pumpkin spice)

  • Chia seeds

Steam and froth milk. We swear by this milk frother. Pour into glass, top with honey (approx. 1/2-1 Tablespoon), sprinkle with cinnamon or pumpkin spice, stir and then sprinkle with chia seeds. The little amount of chia seeds don’t really do much, but is a fun sprinkle for kids that is not sugar.

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warm milk for kids, babycinno, dinocinno, warm drinks

If you try this with you kiddos, tag me on Instagram at @casadefallon, we’d love to see and share.