Prepping For Baby Number Two


With almost four months under my belt, as a mom of two under two, I'm finally (almost) able to form a sentence or two again... which means I'm attempting to get back to blogging! It's so crazy to me that for almost fours months now, we have been a family of four! Yet, at the same time, it feels like a lifetime ago that it was just the three of us.  I've tried to write this post for months now... four months to be exact.  But I just couldn't put into words, the advice I would give to a mother, about to embark on the same journey I just went through, a journey that I'm still figuring out each day.


Going from one to two is HARD–physically and emotionally.  I've talked to so many of my friends in similar situations and friends with more than two kids as well.  Some of my friends I've spoke with, act like the transition is no big deal...those are the friends that either are not being honest with themselves, have incredibly easy to handle kids (is this even possible?) or have a TON of help (i.e. family, nanny or a combination of the two).  The reality is, the transition from one to two is hard and most of my friends I've spoke with on this topic would agree.

There really is no amount of preparation you can do, to prepare yourself for what is about to happen.  With that said, there is a few things you can do to prep your first born for the transition, while mentally preparing yourself as well. I've written five tips below, from the perspective of someone with a young toddler who is expecting their second.


Prepping for Baby Number Two  

  1. Focus on number one... cuddle them, read and re-read their favorite books, go for family walks, spend a Sunday morning taking it slow, sharing breakfast and jumping on the bed.

  2. Get number one excited about baby number two... a stroller, a doll, books about becoming a big brother/sister all will do the trick.

  3. Take family photos! As you near the end of your pregnancy with number two, it's so important to cherish those final moments as a family of three.

  4. Let go of routine, knowing that things won't always go as planned and that new routines will eventually form.

  5. Rest–now is the perfect time to toss your todo list aside and take that nap with your first born, just the two of you, or better yet take a family nap together one weekend. Trust me, it will be while before you get to rest again...


Never did I imagine I would cherish these photos as much as I do.  I am so thankful that Michelle of MJay Photograhy reached out to me when she did.  Michelle is an incredible photography, based in Calgary, Canada.  Her and he husband happened to be visiting NYC right at the start of my last four weeks of pregnancy with Jude and wanted to collaborate (naturally, I jumped at the opportunity).  The timing  couldn't have been better.  Michelle spent a Sunday morning with us in April, capturing the simple moments of my growing family and for that I am forever grateful.  

Dress: Isabella Oliver