Casa de Fallon

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Weekend Browse 4.4

Weekend Browse 4.4.001 S T Y L E Bright eye liner is a trend I have been wanting to try for Spring/Summer... even more so after reading this easy "How-To" from Byrdie.

T A S T E If hoping on a plane is part of your near future, these Recipes and Tips for Healthy Travel are a great read, and total worth it even if you don't have a trip planed.

E X P L O R E  The jet setter in me, was jumping for joy, while reading, "Top 50 World's Most Amazing Restaurants with Spectacular Views"... and the foodie in me was equally as excited!  Travel, food, and amazing views? Um, where do I sign up?  Now I'm just faced with the difficult decision of choosing where to dine first... #firstworldproblems

C R E A T E Loving these Holst + Lee DIY earrings, from Grace Atwood, social media maven at Baublebar and DIY expert behind lifestyle blog, Stripes & Sequins.

D E T O X  As a self-proclaimed juice and smoothie expert and lover of antioxidants, I can't wait to try this newly discovered "super fruit", aronia berry at Juice Generation.