Casa de Fallon

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Maternity Photos | 9 Months Pregnant

 Today, I'm (finally) sharing photos from my maternity shoot with Zoe Hiigli Studio.  I always knew I would want to take maternity photos, but wasn't sure if I wanted to go the artistic or lifestyle route.  I decided on the artistic, mainly because I had so many lifestyle photos for my blog, that I thought this would be something new to try.  I couldn't be happier with my decision.

I spent countless hours trying to find the right photographer, before choosing Zoe Hiigli.  I decided to go with Zoe, mainly because of her newborn photographer, but after shooting with her, I was so glad I did my maternity photos with her as well. She even talked me into taking nude photos (a-la Demi Moore) which I NEVER thought I would do, but I'm SO glad I did! Those particular photos (sorry, I wont be sharing them here) are my most cherished from the shoot.

Pregnancy is the one time in life you get to assist God in creating a miracle.  Taking these photos helped me to embrace my pregnancy.  Looking back, these photos remind me how incredible my body is + how grateful I am that God choose me to assist in creating life + bringing it into this world. [one-half-first][/one-half-first]


Today (well, actually yesterday... as It's now 12:30am), my little guy turned 40 weeks! It's hard to believe that he's now spent as much time out of my belly as he spent inside.  Since the day I found out I was pregnant, I became a mom–but I couldn't even comprehend what that meant or felt like, until the moment I held my baby in my arms... + that was just the beginning!  My understanding of what it means to be a mom, grows stronger, with each passing day.  I would like to think, that with nine months experience under my belt now, I've got it all figured out (ha, does that ever really happen), but just when I start to feel like I'm winning at this whole #momlife thing, something happens that brings me back to reality + makes me realize, that I have so much more to learn + that's okay.

{From Belly to Baby... Nine months Pregnant vs. Six Months Postpartum}

I remember the exact moment these photos were taken, like it was yesterday.  We were waiting with such anticipating, to meet our son. I would spend countless afternoons daydreaming about what it was going to be like to be his mother, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would be THIS good!

Thank you for reading!

xxo, Fallon