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Friday Favorites // I just want to make beautiful things...

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Happy Friday!  Was it just me, or did this week fly by for you too? October is going by way to fast!  Although, since this year, that means I'm that much closer to Paris, I don't mind on bit. I came across this quote last night and identified with it completely, and if you're a blogger of any kind I'm sure you will too.  "I just want to make beautiful things even if nobody cares"... truer words have never been spoken.  Please who create, blog, etc. do so because the love it. Of course I have many dreams for Sage + Sparkle, but at the end of the day, what it comes down to, is the fact that I love to create and with blogging I have the ability to share with the world.

A few "Friday Favorites" from around the web this week....


Excited to get this weekend started.  On the agenda, pumpkin path, apple picking, outfit planning for Lucky FABB & Simple Stylist (my first two Fashion Blogger events), and catching up on some amazing things I want to share with you on Sage + Sparkle.  What are your plans? Please share in the comments below...