Casa de Fallon

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Pumpkin Sage Scones Recipe

Sunday was the perfect day!  Fabulous weather, a road trip, and apple/pumpkin picking.  Can it get any better?  Why, yes... it can.  All you have to do is follow my lead and start the day off with homemade Pumpkin Sage Scones!  12 Weeks of Pumpkin continues with this delicious recipe, which I alerted slight via. Baker Bettie.  What I loved about Baker Bettie's post was that she added the reasons behind why she added certain ingredients, based off of the substitutes she made.  Honestly... I learned so much!

For my Pumpkin Sage Scones... I pretty much followed her recipe, with the exceptions of replacing the "pumpkin pie spice" with my own spice combination, and I used Whole Milk, since that was all we had on hand (my love uses it for his coffee, other wise typically I'm an almond milk kinda girl).  I was pleasantly surprised at how easy these were to make.  The longest part was waiting for the dough to set in the fridge for an hour.  But I used this time wisely, but taking that hour and getting dressed, doing hair and makeup, and walking Frankie (my pup).  Once the dough was set, they only took about 17 minutes to bake at which point we enjoined delicious, warm, homemade scones making the start to our perfect day, that much more lovely.

RECIPE: Pumpkin Sage Scones 

Ingredients: (serves 6) 
6 Tbsp whole milk
1/2 Tbsp vinegar
2 1/8 cups flour
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 Tbsp baking powder
3/8 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/8 cup packed fresh sage leaves, chopped
5 Tbsp vegetable shortening
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
Directions: (altered via Baker Bettie original recipe) 
1. Combine the milk and the vinegar in a small bowl, stir, then set aside 2. Whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt;  stir in cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, and sage 3. Add shortening and use a hand blender to combine with the dry ingredients 4. Add pumpkin puree and milk/vinegar mixture; stir together 5. Knead the dough over itself in the bowl 5-6 times; place bowl in refrigerate for 1 hour 6. Preheat oven to 400ºF 7. Flour a clean work surface and pat out the dough to 3/4" thick, making a circle; cut into 6  triangles. 8. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake for 16-18 minutes 9. Serve with jam... and if your filling really ambitious try the Spicy Cherry Jam recipe Baker Bettie used.